3 months after Irma, dugout roof blocks student parking

Irma, a category 3 hurricane, touched down on Florida about three months ago. Its ruthless winds tore through Florida. Damages to the school were soon repaired, except the softball dugout roof.

During the hurricane, the roof flew into the student parking lot. Two large pieces of wood remain, blocking a total of four parking spots parallel to the softball field bench. Currently, yellow caution tape is wrapped around them, placed there by Jim Orlando.

Junior Bar Dori used to park near the softball bench. Now, his spot is blocked by the softball roof. Dori, along with other students, were not assigned new spots to park in, instead he searched for a new parking spot and now parks two parking spots away from his original position. Although, they have not talked to any administrators.

“Not one kid has come to me about this issue,” Activities Director Michelle Russell said.

Russell is in charge of distributing decals. An additional problem is that if students move spots when they park, their decals, which state students’ parking spots, become invalid.

While students may complain about the dugout roof, there is little attention to try to remove it.