Finally, it’s winter break, a time to relax, spend time with family or catch up on that show you have been meaning to watch, but wait, your teacher assigned homework?
After weeks of endless schoolwork, tests and assignments, winter break, spring break and fall break are meant to give students a chance to relax and recharge. Assigning homework during this time may lead to students feeling stressed trying to finish assignments, and the endless workload can cause burnout.
Research has shown that breaks are crucial for mental health and academic performance. According to the American Psychological Association, taking time off reduces stress, improves focus and promotes overall well being. Constant work can lead to burnout, while rest helps the brain retain information and recharge, making students more productive when they return to class.
“I believe in giving students a break from homework so they can recharge and enjoy their time off, but I also make sure they retain what they’ve learned without overwhelming them,” English teacher Deborah Anderson said.
Breaks are also a chance for students to reconnect with their families or even explore hobbies and interests they might not have time for during the school year. If students are spending their break finishing assignments, they miss out on these valuable moments. It’s important for students to feel like they have time for themselves, not just school.
According to We Are Teachers, assigning work over break tells students and families that you don’t value their time together, learning outside of the classroom, or cultural traditions.
“Breaks should be a time for students to relax, so I don’t assign any work,” Chemistry teacher Peter Saintil said. “When they return, I want them feeling refreshed and ready to get back into learning.”
According to Junior Scholastic, supporters of homework during breaks say the work doesn’t need to be too complex, and assigning something like reading a book of their choosing and keeping a response journal may help students recharge during their time off.
Students already deal with high stress levels throughout the year. Instead of assigning extra work, teachers should encourage students to take the time off to enjoy the holidays and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn. After all, we all need a break sometimes, and students deserve that too.