As the school year began, the subjects of Law, Art and Drama gained fresh faces, as Krop welcomed three new teachers.
The Law class is being taught by Portia Wallace after former teacher Sheila O’Farrell retired last school year. Wallace has been teaching since 2007, and has earned her bachelor’s degree in African-American history, a master’s in History and an Education Specialist degree in Organizational Leadership.
“When I came to Krop, it was a divine situation because I was not supposed to be here,” Wallace said. “I was an FLVS teacher and I actually loved it.”
Wallace plans on assisting Krop’s Law and Debate club although she is not sponsoring either one..
“This year I’d like to make sure our students are very competitive at mock trials and that we actually get some attention,” Wallace said. ”Even if we don’t win they’ll recognize us as formidable competitors.”
This year, Two-Dimensional Studio Art is being taught by Anthony Shagan, who has been teaching for five years and has a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts.
“I got into art because as a kid I used to really love to draw,” Shagan said. “When I was 13, I decided that I wanted to draw all my life.”
Shagan’s plans for his time here include highlighting the artistic skills of his students while also reducing the stigma around art and the idea of perfection.

“The district puts on art competitions, so I’m hoping to submit great art projects by our students so that they can compete,” Shagan said. “I’m trying to make art more digestible for kids who are intimidated by it. My expectation is for people to come in and discover that they are more capable than they think they are when it comes to art, and have a good time.”
The Theater program also received a fresh face this year as Drama teacher La-Sheba Williams took over following Ms. April O’Bryant’s leave.
Williams previously worked in student intervention, helping students with learning troubles and difficulties, but now she is teaching full time. A Krop Magnet alumni, Williams was a part of the Drama program too, graduating in 2016.
“When I heard that a Drama instructor was needed, it was definitely the job of my dreams,” Williams said. “I was heavily inspired by my teacher Ms. Stewartson and it impacted my decision to go to acting school. I want to be able to give back to the students that are here.”
Williams intends to also bring more focus and highlight the skills of Krop’s Theater magnet.
“I’m looking forward to the performances, shows and the school spirit around magnet and around student achievement and attitude,” Williams said. “Some goals I would like to achieve are expanding the program, the number of shows we put on, getting more students to join and bringing more spirit by doing different fundraisers and activities to showcase student talent.”