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The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

All content by Isaac Grossman
People are more interested in the latest Kim Kardashian update than the latest mass shooting

Schools need to load up on gun education

Isaac Grossman, opinion editor
October 13, 2017

The largest mass shooting in American history took place less than two weeks ago. I can tell you the body count, the name of the shooter, and how he managed...

A picture taken by a driver passing by, Irma left this tree straight down the middle of this visitor's car at the Del-vista Towers Condominium in Aventura, FL.

[Photo] Photo Gallery: Hurricane Irma’s impact

Ariel Hartzy
September 19, 2017

A picture taken by a driver passing by, Irma left this tree straight down the middle of this visitor's car at the Del-vista Towers Condominium in Aventura,...

NASA should always be funded

NASA should always be funded

Isaac Grossman
May 23, 2017

  Above: NASA's research is vital to the progression of humans as a species and underfunding it would be detrimental. During a summer trip to...

How phones affect the brain

Isaac Grossman
February 23, 2017

In such a technology-driven age, it has grown easy for smartphone owners to Google a question without thinking about a possible answer beforehand. The...

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