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The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

All content by Veronika Bondarenko
Gun control is not the answer

Gun control is not the answer

Veronika Bondarenko
December 26, 2015

    The recent San Bernardino shootings have once again brought up a debate that is running rampant through our nation- gun control. Some people seem...

Radical Islam - A politically incorrect take

Radical Islam – A politically incorrect take

Veronika Bondarenko
November 21, 2015

Raised Right is a weekly column written by senior Veronika Bondarenko on social issues from a conservative perspective. When people bring up the...

Feel the Bern in your wallet

Feel the Bern in your wallet

Veronika Bondarenko
November 13, 2015

Raised Right is a weekly column written by senior Veronika Bondarenko on social issues from a conservative perspective. Socialism, especially to us...

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