As the bell rang on Thursday, March 9 marking the end of the school day, seniors Veronika Bondarenko and Daniela Rojzman, as well as sophomore Alan Imar, rushed to Milander Park in Hialeah, Fla. to attend a Marco Rubio for President rally.
Marco Rubio, Florida’s junior senator, launched his campaign last April at the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami. Since the Florida primaries are this Tuesday, Rubio is campaigning to defeat business mogul and Republican front runner Donald Trump.
Fox News’ Megyn Kelly arrived unannounced at the rally in order to film The Kelly File. Bondarenko and Imar were featured on The Kelly File for questioning Rubio, which aired at 11 p.m. on Thursday. Bondarenko asked about the rhetoric used by candidates directed at each other and Imar questioned Rubio about his plan to create jobs.

“Donald Trump’s policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is neutrality,” Rojzman said. “Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East. I just cannot support a candidate who believes that–it’s unrealistic.”
Rubio reinforced a strong pro-Israel policy at the rally stating that America will stand with Israel, a strong long-term ally. He also emphasized that Israel was the only Jewish state in the world.
“Florida is Rubio country,” Bondarenko said. “He represents my best interests as a young Republican. America needs someone strong like Rubio, not a child like Trump.”
Positioned at the front, feet away from Rubio, Bondarenko held a homemade “Dump Trump” sign protesting Donald Trump. Her makeshift sign attracted much attention from notable news outlets.

The Senator also discussed the Iran Nuclear Deal, job-creation, taxes and military spending among other topics. Students were able to meet Rubio, and briefly converse with him. He autographed hats, shirts, posters and books.
“It was the best day of our lives,” Bondarenko and Rojzman concluded.