Ways to help victims of Hurricane Harvey
A resident of Houston (right) rescues a stranded woman (left) from a flooded area.
Hurricane Harvey struck Texas as a category 4 hurricane between the cities of Port Aransas and Port O’Connor. With winds of 130 miles per hour and rainfall of 15 to 25 inches, at least five deaths and over a dozen injuries have been reported. While many cities in the hurricanes path evacuated, some Houstonians stayed and find themselves searching for higher ground, escaping their flooded homes.
Florida, Virginia and New York have sent equipment and emergency workers to Texas, and celebrities like comedian Kevin Hart and Texans defensive end JJ Watts have already reached out to donate money for the victims.
Here are ways that you can help:
The Salvation Army disaster teams are aiding victims of the hurricane. In business since 1865 and with over 1.5 million members, they help around 25 million Americans every year and serve in 127 countries worldwide.
The Red Cross is organizing blood donations to relieve hospitals treating victims. To donate blood to Houstonians in need by clicking here. You can also text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.
Samaritan’s Purse is sending five disaster relief units to Texas. Worldwide, it provides physical and spiritual help to victims of famine, poverty, war, natural disasters, persecution and disease.
The SPCA of Texas is organizing the evacuation and care of homeless and animals affected by Hurricane Harvey.
The Greater Miami Jewish Federation is raising money to support both Jewish and non-Jewish residents of the Houston area and the surrounding communities affected by disaster.
This weekend, The Archdiocese of Miami is collecting relief funds for victims of the hurricane. You can bring donations to a nearby Catholic Church.