From China to Iran to the London UK, the world does not support Donald Trump’s idea of a fascist USA.
Hundreds of thousands of protestors gathered on the streets, and walked across state lines to advocate for basic human rights. Outraged women, children, husbands and friends demonstrated their discontent with the 2016 November election by storming government halls and uniting against the new president.
“Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go.” Thousands of signs were raised to demonstrate the peoples’ disapproval of Trump’s xenaphobia, sexism, and islamaphobia. Different races, sex, and sexual orientation stood side by side linked with their mutual desire against Trump.
The “sister marches” originated in Washington D.C. and quickly gained popularity as they spread across 600 places within the U.S. The larger marches hosted hundreds of thousands of people. 250,000 gathered in Chicago, 100,000 in Boston and L.A., and 400,000 in New York. Other protests in the United States occurred in Utah, Idaho, Atlanta, and Florida.
Global efforts to eliminate Trump occurred when thousands linked arms to protest in Amsterdam, Athens, New Delhi, Rome, Iran, London, Berlin, Ghana and even Antarctica.
Although Trump had the largest crowd in history to ever witness a presidential inauguration, it wasn’t due to U.S. citizens’ support for their new leader.