Daylight savings abolished for good

On March 15, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent as of November 2023, if it proceeds through the House of Representatives and the president. Daylight saving is the practice of turning the clock ahead one hour in the spring and back to standard time in the fall.

Many people argue against The Sunshine Protection Act, the law that would make U.S. daylight saving time permanent. According to Chicago Dispatch, people are in favor of never adjusting the clock and sticking to standard time because of the benefits, which include better sleep, reduced risk of heart issues and cost savings. 

The one-hour time change affects our sleep because it throws off our circadian rhythm, the natural cycle that the body goes through in a 24-hour cycle, which can lead to heart issues. Keeping standard time year round means having lighter evenings, resulting in a cost reduction because it allows us to use less light energy in the afternoon. 

However, a study from the University of Washington predicts that keeping year-round daylight saving time reduces the amount of time that rush-hour traffic takes place during darkness and would prevent 33 deaths and 2,000 injuries among people, ultimately saving about 1.2 billion in collision costs. 

According to Journal Clinical Sleep Medicine, the less sun our bodies are exposed to, the easier it is to develop feelings of depression due to the drop of serotonin and melatonin in our bodies.

Science Teacher Lolitha Otero agrees with keeping standard time and believes getting rid of the time change will be beneficial towards students and teachers. 

“Waking up before the sun comes up goes against your natural circadian rhythm; besides I appreciate the bright mornings, especially for those of us who have to wake up and get to school/work early,” Otero said. 

According to Spectrum News, the notion of daylight saving reemerged in the U.S. in 1918 during World War I to conserve energy resources. The Standard Time Act of 1918 was passed by Congress, but was still questioned by many if it should stay consistent. The law was not mandatory in all states after being resurfaced for the second time after WWII, however the Uniform Time Act officially made it required in all states in 1966. 

Due to the unwanted equities that come with this new law, it’s been opted out of states like Arizona and Hawaii, due to the uncertainty of adequate sleep hours and side effects that come with it.

With many new advancements, the practice of daylight savings may no longer be necessary in today’s world.Â