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The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

The Student News Site of Dr. Michael M. Krop

The Lightning Strike

Alexis Chery

Alexis Chery, Editor-in-Chief

All content by Alexis Chery
The harmful effects explicit videos have on teenagers

The harmful effects explicit videos have on teenagers

Alexis Chery, Editor in Cheif
October 30, 2024

     With the increasing unrestricted access to the internet, teens become at risk of exposure to sexually explicit videos that can negatively impact...

SHOWING OFF: Junior Denzel Augustin with other students from across the
country visiting the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park

Junior Denzel Augustin honored for passion in civics

Alexis Chery, Editor in Chief
October 30, 2024

     Junior Denzel Augustin attended an all paid expenses trip to Washington D.C. on Sept. 26 for an iCivics Youth Fellowship symposium, being one of...

LIFTING WEIGHTS: Krop student practices weightlifitng during weight traitraining class.

Weights v. Calisthenics: which is better for achieving your goals?

Alexis Chery, News Editor
June 10, 2024

When it comes to working out and gaining muscle, there are various methods to achieve your fitness goals. Two common types of exercise are weight lifting...

STATISTICS: the percent of teens that make up the population and STD cases.

Why Sex Ed is needed now more than ever

Alexis Chery, News Editor
June 10, 2024

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) affect 374 million people a year and 26 million of them are teenagers. Educating teens can be one of the most effective...

Separating problematic artists from art: is it acceptable?

Alexis Chery, News Editor
June 10, 2024

When finding out your favorite artist has done something corrupt, you may still want to enjoy their music while acknowledging their controversial actions....

How hair discrimination negatively affects the workplace

How hair discrimination negatively affects the workplace

Alexis Chery, Opinion Editor
June 10, 2024

 For centuries, hair has been a way for Black men and women to express their individuality and culture. In environments where professionalism is prevalent,...

The deep dive in dissecting the meaning behind our dreams

The deep dive in dissecting the meaning behind our dreams

Alexis Chery, News Editor
April 28, 2024

      Every night when we close our eyes, we are led to an unconscious simulation that can often replicate and represent ideas and emotions. Although...

The chess club dominates at nationals

Alexis Chery and Lia Klietman
February 28, 2024

 Chess Club recently competed in the 3-day US Chess national championships in Orlando, after winning their county, regional and Florida state competitions.  “There...

ON THE FIELD - Krop's Lightning Varsity football team and coach at their home opener on Thursday, Aug. 24.

Lightning Strikes as Krop’s football team wins their first game of the season

Alexis Chery, Opinion Editor
August 30, 2023

     On Thursday, Aug. 24, the Krop Lightning varsity football team won their first game of the season against Miami High 28 to 14 at Ives Estates Park.   ...

Starting young: Krop’s teen rappers

Alexis Chery, Staff Writer
March 3, 2023

Some of the most successful rappers have been known for starting their careers as high school students. Sophomore Justin Rodriguez and junior Dave Cinea...

Visions December Showcase

Alexis Chery, Staff Writer
March 3, 2023

Visions, a collaborative holiday production created by the magnet program, was showcased on Dec. 14 and 15 in Krop’s auditorium.  The magnet program...

Why American Sign Language should be a language class

Alexis Chery, Staff Writer
March 3, 2023

Although American Sign Language (ASL) is a relatively popular language, numerous schools, including ours, don’t provide it as an option for a language...

First date faux pas: what not to do

Alexis Chery and Evelie St-Louis
February 27, 2023

Isabella Romero-Ellis, 10 “I was supposed to go on a date with my boyfriend…our one-month anniversary dinner. I’m getting ready and when I’m...

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Step Towards Greater Education

Alexis Chery, Staff Writer
February 27, 2023

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have been around for many years, the majority originating before the Civil Rights Act in 1964 with...

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